Chelsea Football School, Särö Kullavik IF - (1) Idrottsgången 2, 429 44 Sverige05.08.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Vapnö IF Bjallbo 208, 305 91 Halmstad Sverige08.08.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, IFK Skövde FK Södermalms Idrottsplats 1, 541 52 Skövde11.08.2024 09:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Søgne FK Tangvallveien Søgne03.10.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Brevik IL Brevik Idrettslag, Furulund Klubbhus06.10.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Saltum IF Nolsvej 9 Saltum12.10.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Vestbjerg IF Bakmøllevej 280 Vestbjerg15.10.2024 10:00 Link to registration
Chelsea Football School, Kastrup Boldklub Røllikevej 5 Kastrup18.10.2024 10:00 Link to registration
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