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Birth preparation course

Welcome to Birth preparation courses at Ullevål hospital!

The course will make you and your partner better prepared for the days prior to going into labor and birth. As nurse/midwifes at an obstetrics ward, our experience is that preparations for  birth, with information and increased knowledge about the process itself, will enhance the feelings of safety and a better experience of control for the woman laboring. This also goes for the partner. 

All who give the courses are midwives with 20-30 years of experience from the maternity wards at OUS Ullevål. We call ourselves "Kursjordmødrene". The background for the courses is a research project with focus groups among women who have given birth at Ullevål. They were asked what they later thought was the most important information they should have received about birth and maternity. The course therefore combine in a unique way the women's perceived need for information with the midwives' knowledge and experience.



Ja, jeg er kjent med at jeg vil få refundert 95 % av innbetalt beløp inntil syv dager før arrangementet. Etter dette har vi dessverre ikke anledning til å refundere, og kan heller ikke bytte dere over til et senere kurs. Da må dere eventuelt gå inn og reservere og betale på nytt.