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Effective Coachingskills for Leaders - 1 Day Workshop

This workshop will be conducted in English language.

Are you facing common leadership challenges and conflicts at work? Do communication breakdowns and personal conflicts hinder your team's success?
The root often lies in a lack of clarity about our own wants, values, and interests, compounded by poor communication skills.

In this one-day workshop, you will learn how to place your people at the heart of what you do by developing your coaching skills. Learn from your own personal insights and our experiences at Inspire MInd  Academy to enhance your ability to coach those around you to become more motivated and find their own solutions.

Course Overview

What you will learn

Learn in one day how to develop your coaching skills and work towards becoming the sort of leader that people would choose to be led by. You will also go away with your own personal action plan that you can use straight away.

Who is it for?

This one-day Coaching Skills workshop has been designed for managers who would like to develop their coaching skills, or for leaders who will better understanding the benefits of learning coachingskills and implement it in their orgaizations.

Themes Covered

By the end of this one-day coaching skills workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand when people work at their best
  • Identify who you are as a leader and your leadership attitude
  • Identify the benefits of coaching
  • Identify how to enhance your listening skills and learn how to pay absolute attention to what is being said and not said
  • Learn and practice the key element of effective coaching 
  • Identify how to use coaching questions to uncover the deeper issues impacting the situation being presented
  • Nurture an individual’s ability to solve their own problems and create an action plan to address their challenges
  • Understand how to build trust and credibility
  • You will also develop your own personal action plan beyond the programme

Our approach to programme delivery

Every programme is designed to ensure complete individual involvement and participation, it will stimulate your thinking and challenge you. The key focus is on practical skills and real outcomes throughout. The content will involve an innovative and engaging blend of activities so that you can directly apply it to your current performance and your future success.
Maximum 12 participants on this workshop.
Book your place now.


Pris for the course includes : Lunch, coffe/tea/ water and buffet during the day. 

Meet our Edcucators

Savis Gohari

Savis Gohari, “Co-governance and co-creation Strategist” and associate professor at NTNU, embarked on a transformative journey that led to profound insights about the power of individual transformation for collective impact. During her PhD research on sustainable development governance, she recognized the pivotal role of personal beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes in shaping collaborative outcomes. This revelation ignited a quest for inner change as the catalyst for societal transformation.  Her pursuit of knowledge led her to NLP Coaching mastery under the guidance of her coach and mentor, the co-founder of Inspire Mind Academy. Fueled by her passion for sharing this transformational wisdom, Savis co-founded Inspire Mind Academy with Svein Kaurin, a fellow advocate of holistic empowerment and change.

Svein Kaurin

Svein Kaurin is an internationally certified NLP Trainer and one of the very few certified NLP New Code Trainers in Europe. He was trained by NLP co-creator John Grinder and the highly acclaimed Life – Business Coach and Trainer Carmen Bostic St.Clair and Master trainer Michael Carroll at UK NLP Academy in London.Svein is cofounder of Inspire Mind Academy specialised in effective communication and dissemination. He represents the latest in coaching, mental “peak performance” and change work. He is also founder of the Centre for NLP in Tromso and has over 30 years of experience as an educator. He works internationally as an NLP trainer in leadershipskills and coach with several institutions in Europe. His enthusiasm, humour, and precise communicational skills have made him attractive as a trainer/lecturer and speaker to various institutions.  

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