ISACA Norway Chapter - Medlemsmøte Oslo 12.april
Velkommen til ISACA Norway Chapter medlemsmøte!
Møtet avholdes på Brygg- Det vil være mulig å velge serverig fra spennende matboder med Colombiansk- og indisk steetfood.
Vel møtt!
16:30 - 17:00
| Velkommen og registrering
17:00 - 17:30 | Which tools and resources are available to you as an ISACA member in 2023? Joris Vredeling Regional Chapter Advocate, ISACA |
| Pause
17:45 - 18:30 | Experience Sharing - Purple Teaming Johanna Fauske-Palmér, KLP Joakim Harbitz, Transcendent Group |
| Pause
18:45 - 19:30 | Thinking like Attackers: Managing the attack surface With Covid-19, rapid digital transformation and remote work, the attack surface for organizations has expanded significantly during the last few years. Further, IoT, Shadow IT, open-source code, cloud applications, leaked credentials and social media often put the security teams in situations beyond their organization control. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic tenets of attack surface management, and what we can do to manage the morphing attack surface, gain real-time visibility of vulnerabilities & attack vectors. Prince Agarwal, Senior Manager – Cybersecurity, EY Norway
19:30 -
| Diskusjoner og nettverksbygging |
Møtet gir 3 CPE poeng.