Kurs 23.02.2023
Kl. 18.30-21-30 på Radisson Blu Atlantic Hotel Stavanger
«Behandling av dype karieslesjoner- en gjennomgang av konsensus»
Falk Schwendicke
Behandling av dype karieslesjoner- en gjennomgang av konsensus
Dype karieslesjoner har tradisjonelt blitt behandlet mer fullstendig fjerning av karies, kalt «non-selective removal». Det er økende vitenskapelig støtte for mindre invasive behandlingsmetoder for dyp karies i både det primære og permanente tannsettet.
Presentasjonen går gjennom den siste Cochrane oversikstartikkelen og ser på det bioligiske rasjonale ved behandling av dyp karies og mulighetene ved bruk av moderne materialer.
Om kursholder

Falk Schwendicke is Professor of Oral Diagnostics, Digital Health and Health Services Research. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, preventive and restorative dentistry as well as health economics and health services research. He is one of the most highly cited researchers in dentistry.
Prof. Falk Schwendicke is the head of the Department of Oral Diagnostics, Digital Health and Health Services Research at Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany. He has a demonstrable track record of clinical and scientific excellence in the fields of diagnostics and operative, preventive and data-driven dentistry. Prof. Schwendicke’s research is aimed at answering questions of high clinical relevance. His research focus is on cariology and restorative dentistry, preventive and public health dentistry, dental diagnostics and artificial intelligence, as well as health economics and health services research. He has authored over 300 articles, edited various books and provided over 20 book chapters on a range of issues—from caries management to health economics.
Prof. Schwendicke has been awarded a range of prestigious awards, among them the International Association for Dental Research’s Basil G. Bibby Young Investigator Award and Lion Dental Research Award, numerous awards from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (German society of conservative dentistry) and the David Sackett Award from the German Network for Evidence-based Medicine.
He reviews for over 40 peer-reviewed journals, among them The Lancet, as well as for various national funding agencies. He has served on the editorial boards of various dental journals and is presently an associate editor of the Journal of Dental Research.
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