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Steve Williams - Pregnancy, Birth and Chiropractic

Vi har gleden av å få Dr. Steve Williams tilbake til Norge i mai 2024. Denne gangen er fokuset på den gravide. Han holder et 2- dagers kurs om kiropraktisk undersøkelse og behandling for denne pasientgruppen. Dersom du har interesse for undersøkelse og behandling av kvinner både før-, under-, og etter svangerskap, er dette kurset for deg! Kurset vil være en kombinasjon av teori og praktisk læring, og det kan anbefales på det varmeste. Begrenset antall plasser og påmelding er bindende. Kurset er også åpent for annet helsepersonell som fysioterapeuter, manuellterapeuter og osteopater.

Pregnancy, Birth and Chiropractic. This course covers the folling topics:

Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy 

  •  meralgya paresthetica
  •  round ligament syndrome
  •  pelvic girdle pain
  •  symphysis pubis
  •  morning sickness
  •  heartburn
  •  avoidance of pre-eclampsia

Info om Dr. Williams: 

Dr Williams has practiced chiropractic and had a significant interest in chiropractic paediatrics for the past thirty years. He lectures extensively to chiropractic, medical and dental groups throughout Europe, the United States and Australia, primarily on the subjects of chiropractic paediatrics and SOT. He has been the key note speaker for many chiropractic organisations and undertakes more than 20 speaking engagements per year.

Currently Dr Williams is vice president of the British Chiropractic association and he has previously served on the UK regulatory body for chiropractic the General Chiropractic Council 2003-2001. He is also a past president of both SOTO (Sacro Occipital Technique Organisation) Europe and SOTO International and was a founding board member of the College of Chiropractors Faculty of Paediatrics. Dr Williams helped to develop and put through validation and subsequently helped teach the MSc Chiropractic Paediatrics at the AECC and currently teaches the undergraduate paediatric programs at both Madrid College of Chiropractic and Barcelona College of Chiropractic. For a number of years Dr Williams presented a 36 hour certificate series for Logan College of Chiropractic. 

Dr Williams is the author of the widely acclaimed book Pregnancy and Paediatrics: A Chiropractic Approach published in 2005 and he is the principle of a large family based practice in Southampton UK specialising in Craniopathy and paediatrics where he still practices

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